Wednesday, October 23, 2013

POTD 102313 - View From Here

Yes, I am still stuck on yesterday's POTD and I guess it'll come to me once I get out of the house.  I don't know about you, but I absolutely love being at home, especially on a semi-cold gloomy day.  If I didn't have some men here cleaning out my dryer ducts, I would have showered and got back into my PJ's! LOL!  

So for today's POTD which is view from here, I decided to show you my view from where I'm at oppose to the view outside my window.

My desktop, yes, got tons of stuff on my desktop and well, I need to clean them up! Ugh! Anyhow, I've been pretty much at my desk today, been working on a sneak that I should have up but waiting to hear what I am suppose to write.  So stay's gonna be super cute! 

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