Anyhow, I'd like to share Mindy's latest kit called Summer Simplicities. Avail this Sunday at DD.
Oh and have you noticed they're already coming out with Halloween designs...crazy! It's only August and CC Designs has their Halloween line out! Wowzer! I made these favor samples for Pineapple Cove. I don't normally give Halloween cards but we all make/do Halloween favors. I have to say Halloween is one of my favorite holidays besides Christmas! So here are a couple of favors I made...will post more throughout the week (if I can get to it)

The one on the left (Halloween Birgitta) is a tic tac holder and the one on the right (Sweet November Baby Trick or Treat Hero) is a kit kat holder. BTW, I snagged this photo from PC's website. LOL! Thanks ManLe!
Oh before I forget, Pineapple Cove is now selling Hello Kitty stamps! AND To celebrate, this weeks 48-Hour Promo is going to be 20% off your Pre-Order of these cute stamps. Sale starts Friday August 13 - 14 . Please visit the webstore to place your pre-order. I know a lot of my friends who read my blogs are Hello Kitty lovers! I've already placed my you should too! Happy shopping!